Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
For Appointment: 212-598-6292

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Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Fellow of the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
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Patient Info

Shoulder Joint Replacement

Shoulder joint replacements are usually done to relieve pain and when all non-operative treatment to relieve pain have failed.

Sports Medicine - Alexander Golant, MD - Sports Medicine - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Arthroscopic Surgery - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Arthritis and Joint Replacement - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Cartilage Repair and Restoration - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Fracture Care - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Forms & Payment - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Location Map - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Patient Testimonials - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Post-op Instructions and Rehab Protocols - Alexander Golant, MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
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